Such choreography! So my girls have been busy this week, even though their sophomore album, Doll Domination, isn't due until mid-September: The Pussycat Dolls performed at the Singfest Music Festival in Singapore (where this magic took place) and at the MTV Asia Awards - for which they toned down their dance moves out of respect for Malaysian culture!
You can watch their totally wholesome "Buttons"/"When I Grow Up" medley here (I'll give them, they did cut a frontal toe-toucher I recall from the video). I also recommend this clip because you'll see what Melody - the short one who's always in the back - actually brings to the table: She's a major vocal supporter for Nicole Scherzinger who just starts screaming things like, "MTV!!!" when she doesn't feel like singing anymore.
You can also watch Leona Lewis' MTV Asia performance - unfortunately intro-ed by Jared Leto, as well - in which the LOGO fave cranks out a truly awesome double-hitter of "Better in Time" and "Bleeding Love." I'm always scared for Leona performing live when she has to hit that grueling note at the very end of "Bleeding Love," but this time she actually nails it.
P.S. This audience in Malaysia makes us gays look like casual fans, at best...
Long Time Reader, First Time Commenter here!
Did Nicole fall?
I don't think that screaming "MTV!" will help you sell records - maybe, you know, actually singing the song!
Great Post - Love the choreography!.
actually im a big PCD fan and meoldy is really bad trying to do high notes live. at least nicole hits all her notes.
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